Search Results

CodeDescriptionSurnameBusinessLocationScope and Content
PLIC/1/4992Michael J Prim, 9 Hyacinth Street, North Strand, Dublin.PrimO'Brien and CompanyHyacinth Street; North Strand; Henry PlaceClaim for £5 for looting of bicycle at the premises of O'Brien and Company, 5 Henry Place, Dublin. Full payment recommended by Committee.
PLIC/1/5021Peter Dunne, 14 Clanbrassil Terrace, Dublin.DunneO'Brien and CompanyClanbrassil Terrace; Henry PlaceClaim for 10s for looting of work clothing at the premises of O'Brien and Company, Henry Place, Dublin. Full payment recommended by Committee.
PLIC/1/1789Harry Ireland, manager, O'Brien and Ireland's Repertoire Company; travelling company various addresses given.IrelandO'Brien and Ireland's Repetoire CompanySackville PlaceClaim for £15 for destruction of two baskets of theatrical costumes by fire at 13 Sackville Place, Dublin. Full payment recommended by the Committee.